Hamza Wasl, also known as Hamza AL-Wasl, is a unique letter in the Arabic language that appears as an Alif followed by a silent consonant.

Hamza Wasl with Lam Qamariyyah and Lam Shamsyyah:
When Hamza Wasl appears with the moon letter (Lam Qamariyyah) or the sun letter (Lam Shamsīyyah), it is always pronounced as an open Alif .
الشَّمْسُ (Ash-Shamsu): The sun
الْقَمَرُ (Al-Qamaru): The moon

By understanding the unique characteristics and pronunciation rules of Hamza Wasl, you can enhance your Arabic reading and pronunciation skills.

It has several distinct characteristics that set it apart from other Arabic letters:

No Diacritic Mark: Hamza Wasl is always written without any diacritic mark (harakah) indicating its vowel sound.

Silent Preceding Consonant: The letter following Hamza Wasl is always Sakin , regardless of its inherent vowel sound.

Omission in Mid-Word: When Hamza Wasl occurs in the middle of a word, it is not pronounced but only written.


وَ قَالَ ارْكَبُوا (Wa Qāla Arkabū)

Pronunciation in Word-Initial Position:

When Hamza Wasl appears at the beginning of a word, its pronunciation depends on the vowel sound of the third letter in the word:
Dammah (U-sound): If the third letter has Dammah, Hamza Wasl is pronounced as an Alif with Dammah .


ادْعُ __ انْصُرْ __ اسْجُدْKasrah (I-sound): If the third letter has Kasrah, Hamza Wasl is pronounced as a Alif with kasrah (i).


اسْتَغْفَر ___ َاسْتَخْلَصَ ___ اسْتَعْمَرَ

Exceptions :

(Asma’ Al-Masmu’ah `An Al-‘Arab):
A group of nouns, known as “Asma’ Al-Masmu’ah `An Al-‘Arab,” deviate from the general rule of Hamza Wasl pronunciation. These nouns include:
In these nouns, Hamza Wasl is always pronounced as a Alif with kasrah (i) regardless of the vowel sound of the third letter.